
Comprehensive Somatic Acupuncture:

This innovative approach is a first for our community, designed with deep respect for the intricate stories held within the body and nervous system. It’s more than just a treatment; it’s a holistic embrace of your path to wellness, recognizing the strength and resilience within you. Comprehensive Somatic Acupuncture represents a commitment to gentle, trauma-informed, empowering care, inviting you to explore healing with an open heart and a supported spirit.

We invite you to experience this evolution of care with us, a place where every session is a step toward deeper balance and understanding. Welcome to a new chapter in your wellness journey, where healing is comprehensive, compassionate, and centered around your unique story.

The Comprehensive Somatic Acupuncture Approach

Embracing an East-meets-West and bottom-up healing method, we combine Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with Somatic Experiencing® principles to create a safe, body-centered treatment for resolving traumatic stress. Our treatment involves a blend of acupuncture, focusing on specific meridian pathways to balance the body’s Qi and Somatic Experiencing® touchwork to support the nervous system.

In addition to trauma informed acupuncture and touch therapy, treatments may include cupping, gua sha, electro-acupuncture, auricular acupuncture, acupressure, Qi Gong movement, meditation, dietary adjustments, and lifestyle coaching.

We merge ancient wisdom with contemporary techniques to offer holistic healing solutions that cater to both physical and emotional well-being.